Validation of Acquired Experience

Institut Lyfe
Executive Education

What is the VAE ?

The VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience / Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning) is an individual right included in the French Labor Code: “anyone engaged in the working life is entitled to validate the achievements of their life experience, including professional experience, in order to obtain a diploma, a professional title or a certificate of qualification”. It is thus intended for anyone wishing to have their skills acknowledged, based on their professional, personal and volunteering experience and be granted a diploma or a professional title.

The Institut Lyfe (formerly Institut Paul Bocuse) offers degrees registered in Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (the French National Directory of Professional Certification), accessible through the VAE:

Can you apply for a degree through the VAE?

The VAE is open to everyone. The only condition is to justify a cumulative year of supervising activities in line with one of the degrees offered by the Institut Lyfe – whether you are currently employed, self-employed, a job applicant or a volunteer – regardless of your initial level of qualification or your age.

What are the steps to obtaining a degree through the VAE?

First step: creation of work portfolio N°1 to submit your application

  • Information of the applicant
  • Transmission of eligibility application (portfolio N°1) to the applicant – CERFA 12818*02
  • Transmission of the acknowledgment of receipt to the applicant
  • Review of your VAE application and admissibility assessment by the Institut Lyfe
  • Mail of admissibility or refusal justified within a maximum period of 2 months after receiving application.

Second step: creation and presentation of work portfolio N°2 to obtain your VAE

The Institut Lyfe (formerly Institut Paul Bocuse) can provide an individual methodological support and supervision to help you carry out your VAE application in the best conditions:

  • Structure your professional experiences with regard to the specific reference framework
  • Self assess your achievements & skills
  • Gather relevant evidence
  • Apply methods of activity analysis
  • Prepare the interview when presenting before the jury

In accordance with the regulations relating to the certified title, the validation board is made up of representatives of the profession and representatives of the Institut Lyfe.
The applicant will present his or her work portfolio before a validation jury.
In the event of partial skills validation, the Institut Lyfe may provide the applicant with support in finding complementary training solutions.

The coming dates of board are :

  • October 22nd 2024
  • April 9th 2025


Anna GAVOILLE – Educational Engineering Officer
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)4 27 01 23 43

VAE in Figures*

Accepted applications
Issued VAE
*2023 insights