Improve the control of food hygiene and safety in restaurant businesses for improved customer protection.
Duration: 2 days-14 hours
Dates: From October 14th to 15th 2024
From February 3rd to 5th 2025
Number of participants: 8 to 14
Requirements: Work in the food service: kitchen, restaurant dining room, distribution, management...
Be able to speak and read French.
Price: €520 including VAT-€433.33 excluding VAT
Expected outcomes
- Develop an awareness of the issues related to food hygiene and safety, for customers, staff and the business itself
- Acquire the knowledge necessary to understand the rules of good practice
- Be able to put into practice the knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills necessary to ensure food hygiene and safety
Target audience
This learning module is intended for anyone working in a restaurant other than a collective catering structure.
Programme provided in French only.
Food and consumer risks
- Introduction to the concept of danger and risk
- Bacterial dangers
- Other potential dangers
The basics of EU and national regulations
- The basics of EU and national regulations
- Notions of declaration, approval, exemption from approval requirements
- Food product hygiene (current EU regulations)
- The current law relating to the health rules applicable to retail trade activities
- Official controls
The health & safety control plan
- Best Hygiene Practices (BPH)
- The principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
- Verification measures (self-checks and record-keeping)
- The Best Hygiene Practice Guides (GBPH) of specific sectors of activity